Outreach and Supported Living
Outreach and Supported Living
My Homecare specialise in assisting people with Learning Disabilities and Autism within a Supported Living environment or Outreach services.
My Homecare Supported Living is tailored and bespoke to the needs of the person we support. Our team encourage independence, improve wellbeing and overall quality of life for our service users. Our Outreach support may include:
- Personal Care
- Supporting people to travel on public transport
- Supporting people to access colleges, social events and clubs
- Developing cooking and household skills
- Paying bills and dealing with finance

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Our Team,
Befrienders and
Our befrienders are chosen following a rigorous recruitment process. All our befrienders and staff work references and history are checked, whilst they are also fully insured to be working in your home or trained to a high standard. Befriending service users have felt and continue to feel a positive difference to the levels of self-esteem, confidence and isolation.
This has helped them believe that other people are interested in what they have to say and improved their skills in building relationships..